Thursday, July 29, 2010
What do you see?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Elton Fucking John is such a badass
Crocodile Rock has been stuck in my head for a bit. How I long to be a turtle in a half shell. (Turtle Power!) I stood outside my house this morning and watch the garbage truck collect the trash cans. A huge mechanical arm grabs it and dumps the contents into the truck. It was kinda a cool sight. But damn those things are loud.
I'm starting to get that feeling again. The one where I really want to go to sleep but sadly can't. Fuck you insomnia. Fuck you very much. I'm gonna blame you for all the things that have gone wrong in my life.
Dear Academy of Art; please call me back. I really want that job and I'll freakin kick ass over there. Put me in the game coach!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday is my new tuesday
Saturday, July 24, 2010
(Of course I'm talking to myself, but if you happen to swing by this blog and feel offended by this, then maybe I am talking to you?)
Friday, July 23, 2010
The dead in question
Oh yeah, this is how funny the people around me are. I get a call at 3am from seth. And all he was thinking about was the Banana scene. (the picture of adam with a banana, see posts below.) He's developing a story called Heterosapien. jeez.
Susie Q
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
We Were Perfect
So The Kitchen Sink has been really busy. Our Bandcamp has a lot of our demos up. Pretty much all works in progress. And super rough. getting a lot of positive feedback so I guess thats good...
I started PreProduction for Blood Runners Last night.. So far I'm looking at a Cast/Crew of 10+ people. damnnnnn. This is gonna be a fun one. July 31st is the point of no return. If I don't have everything set up by then. Then I'll have to push it back. Everyone says I know a lot of people, or that I have lots of connections and sway to get the ball rolling. Apparently I've built up a reputation for being able to get shit done. And they say I can save a project in shambles. Lets hope theyre right.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Good Morning Monday

Sunday, July 18, 2010
im watching my stories
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
layin' tracks, mofo
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
equipment check
My new years resolutions checklist..halfway point
2010 checklist:
1. Meet a new person everyday (or try to)
2. play more music. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3. watch more movies. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4 make a pretty girl smile. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
5. Get into a fight
6. make a film that matters.
7. make my mother proud of me.
8. help a stranger xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
9. help a friend. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
10. mend a broken heart xxxxxxxxxxx In a way, I helped you
11. laugh more xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
12. cry more. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
13. see the world through someone else's eyes. xxxxxxxxxxxx
14. skateboard more. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
15. make my life meaningful
16. visit a grave (doesn't matter whose) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
17. make someone spit-take xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
18. get out of california
19. road trip
20 win an eating contest
21 learn to ride a bike xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
22 save a baby xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
23 get in a picture xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
24 win an award
26 tell someone you love them
27 converse with someone that doesn't speak english xxxxxxxxxxx
28 cross off a resolution with a friend
29 meet a celebrity (bonus points if you get a picture)xxxxxxtomhanks
30 get your name in papers
31 sleep xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
32 destroy something beautiful xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
33 earn someone's trust xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
34 fly
35 get lost with a friend
36 celebrate the holidays
37 listen to every song on your ipod xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
38 catch a fish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
39 start an applaud (bonus points if its a slow clap) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
40 live dammit live!
41. get Victoria hooked up.
42. do rwo resolutions at once
43. trust someone.
44. learn to speak elvish
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Whoa, Mozart Season signs to Equal Vision
Whats wrong with this picture?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Losing The Magic
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
I've got a lovely bunch of... usb drives

There they are all standing in a row...
My dad works at one of the main postal sorting centers. He's in charge of maintaining the machinery that sorts the mail. He tells me that people try to mail usb drives through standard envelopes all the time. When they hit the machines the get destroyed and the contents fall through a filter. Somteimes my dad brings home these usb's after no one claims them for a month. I love checking whats on them. Most the time its family photos or school/work documents. I've only gotten porn once and it was horrible. I would love to return some of these photos to their owners but they never have any documentation. I've even looked at the pictures for any kind of clues as to where these people are. I'm thinking about posting them online and starting like a lost photos blog.
P.s. Please use bubble envelopes to mail your usb's or stuff like that. Don't try to cheat postage.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
I have nightmares about googley eyes
im not sure if i posted this already. but heres what started it all.