Anyways, Craigslist is one of the greatest inventions known to man. I sold some camera equipment today, I posted the ad yesterday and this German guy called me up. He was interested in buying my stuff, he had cancelled on me and his other friend called. He showed up today and we made the transaction. The buying and selling part of CL always gets me nervous cause dealing with complete strangers is always weird. This German guy pulls into my driveway and all I can think about is the movie Hostel. I'm always afraid of either getting robbed, or murdered. I remember the first time I sold a guitar on CL and this old guy came to my house and I swear I felt like he was gonna lead me to a corn field and shove me in a hole... But for once this guy was actually pretty cool. He's does this thing called kite surfing, and kite snowboarding. Here's his website below.