Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Delilah (yeah its a zombie script)

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So I'm trying out this site cause I just want to start posting all these random scripts I have. I've been looking for a good way to post these things in their entirety. So please enjoy. Some of these next scripts will make no sense at all sometimes.

So this script is called Delilah. I wrote this sometime last year and I just decided to pull it out and do some revisions of the dialogue. I took the less is more approach. Plus the situation the characters were in didn't really seem fit to have such wordy banter.

I felt like today was like a bottle episode

In television, a bottle episode is referred to an episode of a show that is specifically written as a budget saver. They usually never leave the main set and have no special guest stars... I didn't do anything today. at all. what a waste.