Monday, May 24, 2010

do the math

I'm sitting in the studio right now burning discs for two of the shorts I had to do for the trabajo..
I need to burn 15 dvds..

This computer is suprisingly fast, but it takes about 7 minutes to burn one disc. and in between it takes about a minute to load another disc and get ready to burn, so lets say 8 minutes. times 15 discs equals 120 minutes. 2 HOURS!!!!!! and currently I'm burning my 3rd disc.. lame..

I'm talking to Vic on the internet right now. Yeah its via facebook, but I just say internet...

I guess I'm gonna go watch a cinema 10 presentation to kill some time.

if only for the sake of the weather

im right about to head to school to burn discs.. ohhh god kill me now.

I make music at night. I made this song which has to be the most singlehandedly devious song I've ever made. Its so cheesy its good.... those I told sad it was sad also, which I agree.

I had this conversation with my friend Kristine about being happy. I claimed that I dont think I really know what being happy is. There are things in the world that truly make me feel alive, like film, music, art and friends. But happy? How the fuck would I know? Haha.

but anyways 4 more days till surgery.