Thursday, May 19, 2011


a lot of big things are coming around.

Looks like I'm heading to LA on tuesday. But as per arrangement, I'm not supposed to talk about it. I hate the industry for its secrecy haha.

emailed Nina Henninger, CSA about possibly working at her casting agency. Hopefully theres something in the works for that. Casting isn't my favorite aspect of the game, but it sure is damn interesting.

Checking in with that Santa's Dog film. Sounds wacky I know but I'm just trying to get on some bigger projects in the area.

I'm lining up tons of artists in the area that are looking to get some stuff done with us. Its starting gain some momentum. I just figure if I work hard enough. I'll be able to grab at least one out of every ten things I set out for.

if life is productivity, and productivity is good.. then is life good? I'm starting to think so.