Shooting a that short in Sonoma made me realize that this was technically my first sex scene. Pretty much the guy comes home and finds his gf in bed with another guy. pretty simple. Everyone on set was of course as professional as our funny bones could handle.. theres nothing funnier about making your younger brother act in his first short film by having to fake hump a half naked girl. He answered his phone in between a take and said "Bro, I'll call you back , I'm in the middle of my sex scene"

Blasting light across the hall was working wonders in contrast with the dark room. The thing with cameras is that to achieve the look you want you can blast as much light as you want in a scene then stop down the camera's aperture to compensate and get that tone just right. in the picture above I blasted a 2k down the hallway. He was getting silhouetted so with the help of movie magic I frosted a small 300 with the barn doors cracked just a bit and shot it into the doorway. Silhouette gone and problem solved. its trickery I know but in actuality it makes sense cause the white door could easily reflect and make the light seem to wrap around onto his face.. I hate how movies are so fake.

I was really digging what I managed to accomplish with my lowell pro kit. I really took the time on this short to really mess with the lighting when I could. So for this shot above Zack (the director) wanted them to look illuminated by the doorway and everything else in shadow. at first I thought I could get both effects by having the 2k but I felt a little mentally handicapped (the PC term for retarded) after I was fiddling around with the the lamp for like ten minutes. Eventually I settled for the 300 and flagged off the areas surrounding them.
Geeking out on gaffing stuff is hilarious to me. It was pretty much a comfortable mood amongst the crew but eventually everyone was laughing after everything started to become "thats what she said" jokes.
I just noticed a lot of the lingo would lose some of you the numbers like 2k and 300 refer to a light's wattage. the higher the number, the more powerful the light. Yeah film has an entire language to it. Its kinda like Italian, but dirtier.
Oh yeah, Bamboo Chimes... a little inside joke for the girlfriend... love you.