Shit dude, I dont know why I'm still drinking coffee after all this time, its almost 4am. I just got back from a freakin Denny's where Seth and I were going over the once over for what I guess will be our film project to end all film projects: Our Last Days As Sailors...
We came up with that project last year and I finally convinced Seth that now it the time to do it. We need a big point in our win column and I truly believe that we can tackle a project of this magnitude... And this little tale about 4 men on an island is HUGE. I mean we're talking complex characters, beach locations, costumes and continuity, filming backwards (for the beards), fighting the weather, funding, and our biggest enemy to the very livelihood of our equipment: SAND!!!!! and lots of it.. I hate sand so much. If our camera drops once this project is donesville..
and we don't even have the script written yet. But we got this.. hopefully.