If you've noticed (if you've ever read my blog... actually I don't even know who you are.) I do a lot of script writing exercise that over the years, I've come to develop. This one is called Life in one page. Its basically where I try to write a complete scene in one page. These could just be little snippets of a full story. In screenwriting, we are taught to always start a scene in the middle. It just makes coherent sense and makes for a more cinematic read. The scene starts with Joseph and Amanda already sitting at a park bench in the morning. For the sake of the story, we don't need to divulge in whatever it was that lead them to that point. Starting a scene like that gives the reader the opportunity to come up with their own circumstances. I like to think that they were hanging out the night before, they talked the entire night and eventually kissed. Then before they knew it, dawn had arrived. At least thats what I'd like to think happened to them.
Ending a scene. Now thats a whole new story.