Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fantasy Feast, and my future in the entertainment industry

So this is the link to the Huffington post article about Fantasy Feast.

this was the perfect way to kickstart my summer full of nonstop action. i've been running around getting all the projects together.

another mark in the "reasons to keep doing this" column.

I need to learn how to finish things I start.

there's this acrtess I know
spent her time preparing for the big show
but she feels like a stand in at times
she having a lot of trouble remembering her lines.
her dressing room is tiny
all her mirrors lay flat
the powders overflowing
and she has her regrets.
she feels fake
and she cries
behind the scenes
and the movie screens
and all the magazines
portray a life she refuses to believe.

I don't even have names for the chords I'm using. I hide my poetry in song form. It seems less embarrassing. I'm trying to go to sleep. For once