Saturday, May 28, 2011

Start tumblin.

Blogspot. You have served me well. I will never forget you. But sadly, all good things must come to an end. I love you. Goodbye. At least I didn't drop you off in the middle of the forest right?

No mattter what

Lets just sum it up. Lets just read blogs. Lets get invisible. I had a fucking day today. I worked on this shoot. I can't say the name of the film yet, but some people already know. FUCK. FACT: All 1st AD's a DOUCHEY ASSHOLES. hands down. Damn near every 1st AD I have ever met in my life were fucking jerks. I know their job is to keep the production rolling and keep everything together and on time. But damn. These are some of the weirdest and fucked up people on the planet. Like the first 1st AD I ever met. Lets just call him the Voice Imodulated David Blaine.. We called him that, not only cause he was fucking useless, but he kinda looked like a taller David Blaine and he spoke in such a tone that it would even make the cutest of baby seals want to swim right into the mouth of a hungry killer whale. Yeah it was that bad.
Another 1st AD I have had the unfortunate pleasure of working under.. and when I say working under i really mean being his BITCH. (prettty much what PA's are) This guy smelled so bad. Like reeked. I know during a production some people decide to let themselves go. People wear the same stuff, or grow out their beards. But this guy smelled like hot garbage. Disgusting.
This fucking guy, wears sunglasses and holds a walking stick. No he's not blind, but YES he does look like a blind guy. And he carries around a stop watch and times everything. And to get your attention he taps you in the leg with the stick. WHAT THE FUCK. I mean yeah you run a tight ship, but why the hell do you have to have a gimmick? Why do you need a character? I think i got tapped like 7 or 8 times. All of which he could have just opened his mouth and addressed me personally. Seriously, if this was somewhere else, I would have confronted him about it. That or just break his fucking stick in half.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

getting hella busy (updated version)

Ok heres the menu so far...
Working on Santa's Dog , May 27th-31st
BLACK DEMI music video for A DARK KNIGHT mid june.
Taller than Trees in the studio July 8-11th
Great Horned Owl music video Late July/early august
OREGON/Washington Tour after that.

fuuuuk. overloaded haha. Dont never say I'm not doing anything.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

taking it easy today

I am so tired. Fucking Threequel. anyways.. I think next week I'm gonna do a short I had written a while ago. I guess drug addiction is our latest trend lately cause thats pretty much about that. At least we're gonna have a hotel room set. that'll look cool.

Man. I think I slept most of the day. I tried to watch that movie Cloverfield today but fell asleep halfway through. I hate being onthe computer when I'm uploading videos to youtube. It just slows everything down so badly. ehhh.


My boy Kal-El from Black Demi. Dude wants me to do his video and I'm happy to oblige him.

Why the fuck am i still awake?!

jesus its 4:47.. im kinda araid to go to sleep cause i know when i wake up im gonna be hungover. fuuuukk. fun night. lots of familiar faces. good times. now i gotta get back to work. my vacation is officially over. back to bidness.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Finally over

Yeah man. shiiit. is finally done. finshished with school. that went off without a hitch. but man this was a fucking crazy weekend. I got all my work done and started recording some shit for the kitchen sink on saturday but we were'nt able to finish.Sunday rolls around and I finally buckle down to edit my goddamn infernal class. do that shit then I get the call that theres a party going down. mind you that its already about 1:30 in the am. so i drive down there and everyone is stoked that i showed up. get fucked up with some old friends and made some new ones. But then i remembered that i had to go to school hella early to burn dvds... shiiiit. so i show up at school.. still pretty wasted. get done with all that and then go home and seth swings by to finish the recording... went to walmart and then to the second night of that same party. this time theres more poeple, more booze. I actually won my first game of beer pong that night. Or i guess manzo and tatum just really fucking suck cause diamond was making shit for my team. haha. If theres a threequel tonight i might go. might as well. its a celebration bitches.

After this.. its back to work. LA, Oregon and Washington.. here we fucking come.

Please excuse my shitty typing. this hangover and burrito coma is kicking my ass.

Monday, May 23, 2011

TTT. Minds made up

Ok, so heres another video we did during our stint in socal. i think there are only a few of them left.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Breakfast at Tiff's (OUTRO)

This is the outro to the cd. Not really an album but just a random collection of songs.


It is 5am and I am still tracking Seth's vocals for a new song. Damn. I have had like 4 cups of some dark roast already. I've started speaking in a british accent so I hope thats hop you're hearing this blog play out in your head.. No joke this is a badass song. I used a sample from Gone With The Wind to make this track sound so sick. I'm getting tired of hearing this shit over and over and over and over and over. and over and over again. Fuck man. I think I'm going crazy. I still have 8 more scenes to edit by tomorrow. Piece of cake, I just hate editing for that class.

Had some weird and some bullshit today. wtf. jumper cables. Clamshell-like mouths. Guys with babies. Camera movements. Plug and plays. Chords and lyrics. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. I feel like Jack Torrance from The Shining right about now. Writing aimlessly at a keyboard. and u think I wanna kil someoneU cant ewven tell what um writin g about anymore

Saturday, May 21, 2011

rapture and raptors

I kinda wish they misspelled it and they really meant to say the Raptors are coming. The darker, cynical side of me is begging for the fucking world to end. There is no god damn point to this bullshit. But in all seriousness, I'm not even phased by this while thing. I find it extremely hilarious how people are acting. People are tripping balls, getting drunk and wasted. There is a tiny little hint of a speck of me that second guesses it tho. Like, really... What if something does happen? If so, it would make me sad that I'd be spending it alone. Then I get that mental kick in my brain that puts the hammer down on those silly notions.

Hmm. Its about 4:30 as I'm writing this. Honestly, I'm starting to question continuing this blog. I already wrote, and posted a blog once before stating that this would be my last entry. But like the flip of a coin my mind changed. I don't really have anything to write about... or better yet, I don't really have the motivation to write in it. Other than my work. I kinda feel like nothing really matters anymore. Thats how I'm going to try to live my life. I am a goddamn workaholic. I've always known that. I hate having nothing to do. I prefer textbooks over novels. I like working 12 hour days on film sets. My only goal right now is to get a job working on a primetime show for a major network either in Studio city or in Vancouver. I have a passion, and I guess a dream. I have goals and possibly a future. I'm not gonna be stuck in the bay area making bullshit films. I take my shit seriously.

I know I'm going to rant again about the serious lack of seriousness in the filmmakers in my immediate area. I feel so embarrassed for them. All I want to know is if they are serious about what they want to do. If not, then its whatever, I won't even think twice about them. But if they are... then what the hell. I don't believe that the filmmakers in this area should all get along and help each other out and help each other grow. I won't let anyone take an opportunity out of my hands for the sake of teamwork.

I'm adopting a serious no bullshit mantra. seriously, film is the only thing I'm good at, so I know what the fuck I'm talking about. I got hit with reality about quality. My friend Adam gave it to me straight about how our work kinda sucks. Then again, he helped write most of that shit. So keeping with the times. I'm discarding all my old equipment. Actors are no different. I'm only into doing good shit now. And I'm getting a lot of opportunities to work on more professional sets. I'm gaining valuable experience and I won't share one bit of it.

These are the things that spew from being awake at pretty much 5am. I'd write more but I really have to pee and then get back to editing. And I hate editing.

And to whoever reads my blog and has read this far... Thanks.

what the hell.....

So me and a few of my film colleagues are now the in house film crew for a company named Movizine. Their office is in downtown fairfield inside of an old bank. its getting renovated and I gotta say it looks pretty good. We still have to work out the kinks with the owner on exactly how much we're getting paid to do pretty much any video type work. but it looks like I can add another avenue to my revenue stream. Dude.. I just noticed.. I'm really starting to make bank.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


a lot of big things are coming around.

Looks like I'm heading to LA on tuesday. But as per arrangement, I'm not supposed to talk about it. I hate the industry for its secrecy haha.

emailed Nina Henninger, CSA about possibly working at her casting agency. Hopefully theres something in the works for that. Casting isn't my favorite aspect of the game, but it sure is damn interesting.

Checking in with that Santa's Dog film. Sounds wacky I know but I'm just trying to get on some bigger projects in the area.

I'm lining up tons of artists in the area that are looking to get some stuff done with us. Its starting gain some momentum. I just figure if I work hard enough. I'll be able to grab at least one out of every ten things I set out for.

if life is productivity, and productivity is good.. then is life good? I'm starting to think so.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

chang's deleted blog post

CLICK TO ENLARGE.. Pun intended.

Chang tried to start a tumblr. posted this and then changed his mind. So if anyone has missed it. Enjoy.


So i finally showed my friend Luis some of the music I've been making. He told me he like it but I just have to work on my melody cause i sound like im not sure about some of my lines when i sing them... hmm I'll keep that in mind.

But now he wants me to do some shows with him. And I'm like What the Fuck? I aint no musician. I'm down to try it tho. So I guess when we go up to Oregon to shoot that music video for Great Horned Owl, Luis is gonna roll with us. He's gonna book us some show up in oregon and in washington. some acoustic shows i guess cause all three of us really play acoustic. This might be happening in July. What the hell. Damn I have to start practicing. I'm starting to get burnt out on music at the moment.

I feel like watching a movie right now. I gotta get my equipment ready for tomorrow..

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Those Aren't Fortune Cookies

lets keep our options open

i don't wanna make any more commotion

i don't wanna rock the boat no more

its making less sense to me

just as long as you can see me

trying to rebuild myself

and holding off from dying

from the boredom thats found me

lets make amends

there many people i did offend

i cant explain some of my actions

im sorry im sorry

lets keep the new doors open.

and leave the old ones broken

i don't wanna wake any old emotions

i'm keeping to myself for now

just as long as you can hear me

doing fine and living freely

im sorry im sorry im sorry

this is new ground for us all

I'll send everyone a postcard

when i figure out where i land

collecting mooniest on the moon

or sipping margaritas on the sand

so hows the weather up there old friend?

and where did our last story end

lets pick it up where we left off

lets drink away and get fucked up

lets sing and dance till the sun does set

lets just forget and not regret

this life we have is all we have

we're wasting too much time.

we're wasting it all on silly lies

having the balls but never tried

all of the things we regret in life

its not making anymore sense

we're wasting too much god damn time

on fixing your makeup and wearing ties

there no fucking purpose to live your life

if we're not having fun


that was the last one. i swear.

I just watched the film Magnolia. Fuck. Paul Thomas Anderson is a crazy motherfucker. I mean raining frogs? and Tom Cruise as an inspirational speaker telling guys to "respect the cock, and tame the cunt". for real?

i watched Jeopardy tonight and got a ton of the answers right.... hmmm maybe i should try out for it haha.

Watching the Detectives is a badass film.

Living Our Lives

lets go, lets go, lets take it back 9 months, 9 months ago

i don't think you had it in yourself to try and make things work

outside, inside of this car i cant react as quick enough

but now we're done, im done thats all, and now are we having fun yet?

lets go, lets go, lets take it back 9 months, 9 months ago

i think i deserve to know when things started to slow

blame me blame you, or blame us for being not quite good enough

but now we're through, you do, i do, not wanna deal with any of this.

lets go back to the times when

we were happy with such good memories

i think you and i will be just fine

living our lives but living separately

Monday, May 16, 2011

say whaa?

gonna get a milkshake with vic on thursday. should be fun haha.

I finally just watched. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Fucking Michael Bay. I don't know why I don't like any of his movies. Don't get me wrong. I fucking LOVE transformers. G1 fan all the way. I even grew up on Beast Wars. But theres just something about Bay's commercial blockbuster style I just don't like. Everyone knows he's an asshole in real life, and the self references like the Bad Boys 2 poster in Sam's dorm room is just douchey. I won't even get started on the 360 shots that are literally in every Bay film. yuck. With that said. Transformers are still awesome.

Great Horned Owl did a cover of MGMT's "Kids"
This is pretty badass. I'm still discussing with this group to do their music video. I'm looking forward to being Oregon bound.

more editing

ehhhhh. this class is gonna give me an ulcer or something.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

I finally took the time to lock down a copy of this film. This is a damn good movie. I'm gonna go out on a pretentious limb here and say that this film was beautifully crafted. Matt Damon as an actor in this role was perfect for his range. I'm really taking a liking to the actor Anthony Mackie. I remember first seeing him as the main antagonist in the film 8 Mile. And then did a badass job in The Hurt Locker. This guy is the next Denzel... possibly. haha. I remember seeing the trailer to this film and automatically thinking this was the pretty much a rip off of the 1998 Alex Proyas film Dark City. Almost the same concept but with modern effects and include the romantic story outline. I really like The Adjustment Bureau. This is one of those films I should have took the time out to see in theaters.

It really makes you think about the choices you make in life.

True Grit

Just finished watching True Grit. This is a damn good movie. The Coen Brothers know what they are doing when it comes to directing.

Earlier today I helped shoot a short. Pretty simple stuff. Mare Island is always a good location. Went to eat at Pelayos afterward and got me a burrito. I always like the burritos there cause you cant pick them up.

Fruit and Nut Meddley is the shit.

Watching Jackass 3d. without the d.

New song in the works. all i gotta say is that its really aggressive. and not of the passive kind.

I remember my friend Tristan showed me this a really long time ago.

Got a hug from a friend today. That felt nice.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Oh my god!

"There's so much blood! I don't know where I am. I just blacked out! This isn't my blood. This is Jaime, please call me back!"

I don't leave regular phone messages when I call people.

the things you own

Tyler Durden said "The things you own, end up owning you." Without a doubt, books are a dying medium. I like owning books. Absorbed into my brain and instilled as an everlasting knowledge. I don't actually read any novels or anything with a story to it. I don't know why I'm not really into fiction. I'm not sure if a part of me doesn't like the fact that fake stories don't really have a purpose. Cause in reality, theres truth in most fiction. So why not write about real things? It would be really messed up if a hundred years after the end of humanity, aliens will find a copy of George Orwell's 1984 and use that as a base of their assumptions on the human race. Most the books I own are textbooks that encompass the many facets of the entertainment industry. Also a ton of Shel Silverstein. What does that say about me?

Friday, May 13, 2011

some side action

I do real estate videos as another source of income. I have to say its some of the easiest video work out there. I actually got the job cause me and the real estate guy worked on a short film together almost two yeas ago. I think the hardest part of these things are finding the music for them haha.


This is actually a pre written blog cause the blogspot was going through maintenance. I wanted to write about what happened at the open mic. pretty much it felt like it went by super fast. I played 4 songs cause at th least minute I decided the song "empty vessels" wasn't all that great. haha. I text my friend Luis and told him i was playing. in truth I was a nervous wreck. even tho there was a handful of people at the bar and in all about 20 people watching and performing. I was so nervous. I got through 4 songs with the dryest mouth.

anyways. I think im done. sorry dude

I don't know about you. but I gotta make a god damn movie. I'm starting to get antsy. I haven't had anything on deck in some time.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Open mic

So I'm going to this open mic in downtown Vallejo at this bar called the Townhouse. This girl that I went to high school with named Jessica is in charge of it and I remember seeing her at Uncle Bong's pizza place in Suisun at a Rats in the Alley show like more than a year ago. I just remembered about that recently. I guess I'm gonna see how much weight these songs have. I'm doing the open mic just because I just felt the need to do more with my life. Its just a simple little open mic, but for me its a big deal. I used to play music when i was younger. i started playing guitar like in 2001. I even had interest in going to school for music. I was even in a few bands played a few shows here and there. I was always told i was kinda good at guitar. I just wanna see what I can do. Honestly I don't know what to expect. I don't care if I play to a room full of chairs. I just wanna play. and I'm so fucking nervous.


I'm eating Ruffles. the cheddar and sour cream kind. hells yes. Editing is such a bore. I'm losing my voice cause I'm trying to practice for this damn open mic tomorrow night. I'm just trying not to suck. 5 songs. shouldn't be hard. I chose "This Actress I know", "We're all asleep", "empty vessels", "For Lexi", and "Victoria".... I chose them, cause they're the most fun to play. And they still have some kind of meaning to me. I haven't played in public in front of anyone in maybe over a year. This is gonna be hilarious.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Resistance is Futile (new)

Soo, i just rerecorded this song. haha I listened to the old version. Seriously, i thought it sounded the same. ehhhhh. whatever. haha.

I'm a big fan of star trek. Like I grew up with that shit. I know a ton of that geek stuff about all the different series. But I just watched the latest Star Trek movie like a month ago. I absolutely hate JJ Abrams. But I finally watched it and had to admit that it was damn good. Except for all those damn lens flares. So annoying.

finna get to work

I've been listening to some old songs that I have and I've decided to re record a few of them. Over the years I've started revising them and playing the differently and now that I'm super comfortable with the songs, theyre easier to sing. this is gonna be interesting. Theres this one I have in mind.. its called "Resistance is Futile".. yeah its about star trek.


I can't sleep. like usual. I shouldn't have had that coffee earlier. but hey, why pass up something good when someone offers? Damn. I got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow. My boss won't be in class again so I have to handle the shooting of finals all by my lonesome. right after that I gotta shoot another house. This one is freaking huge. So huge that I had to do a dry run of the property just to get the idea of what I'm doing. Like this place has a horse stable also. Like I'm not complaining that I'm slowly getting busy. I just hope that its not too damn hot. I'm prone to heat exhaustion haha.

So I watched the movie Insidious. Written by Leigh Whannel and Directed by James Wan. Seriously these Australian guys are one of my favourite filmmaking combos. Leigh is an actor/writer with many credits to his name, like writing and starring in the original Saw film. As well as writing a few films like Dead Silence and Insidious. And James Wan is this little ass asian/australian guy that is a directorial BEAST. He directed Saw and this one really good movie with Kevin Bacon called Death Sentence. Seriously, Insidious is a really good movie. For a pg-13 film, this movie had enough suspense and dramatic tension to make even a salted horror aficionado cover their face with their hands like they're about to watch their favourite puppy get euthanized. (yeah, really descriptive haha)

But seriously.. watch insidious. If the visuals don't make the hairs on your neck stand on end, then the creepy ass film score will.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

childish Gambino - Freaks and Geeks

just watched this music video from Derrick Comedy/ Community star Donald Glover. When I heard that he was also getting into the rap game, I didnt think much of it.. Until I heard this song and saw this video. I was like damn.. This is actually really good. And the video is really simple. A one shot, one take music video that did everything it needed to do. And that was to make Donald Glover look like a complete BEAST. I'l admit that I am now a fan of childish Gambino.

Great Horned Owl

Click the Links!!!!!
Great Horned Owl

So this is Great Horned Owl, a musical artist from Portland, Oregon. Theres been some talking and hopefully soon we'll be able to work on a music video. Looks like I might be going back to Oregon again. Nothing solid yet. But definitely something to look forward to.

Baby Steps

Happy mothers day.

For some odd reason people have been saying that this video is having trouble playing sometimes. I have never had that problem... hmm I wonder what it could be.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I need to find things to write about... I'm thinking about writing reviews on some of my favourite movies. that'll keep me busy for a while. hopefully. I'm also thinking about starting something serious going on with music. Like I've been looking at my songs and am seriously contemplating taking my set to shows. It'll be just me and a guitar but I think it could work. I'm not the best singer but I think I'm not tone deaf. I hit up this one girl I knew from high school that does open mics in vallejo. hopefully I can get some info and get pointed in the right direction.

I've been doing stupid things lately. sorry.

the process
if theres a password, type in = process

This is the teaser trailer for the short I've been working on. Its looking really good.

Friday, May 6, 2011


updating resumes are really boring. but every now and then it has to be done. as as filmmaker, I have multiple sources of resumes. I have an actual pdf with all the formal stuff out of the way, like my education and references. Then there's all my links. Like my youtube's and vimeo's and blogs. But then there's the fun stuff like the reel. I will never be totally satisfied with my online reel cause as I continue to work on stuff I'm always constantly updating it. I think after I made the exploding toys 2010 dslr reel it was outdated like a month after. Thats way faster than an actors resume. At least I don't need a headshot... or do I?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The parentals

i found this random cd tucked away in the cabinets of the office and found these old pictures. My dad is holding a camera.... and if I remember correctly he was a projectionist at a movie theater in Presidio. hmmm. Was it in my blood the entire time?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lets call it whatever you want

I remember when rock was young. Elton John told me that.
I believe that children are our future, courtesy of Whitney Houston.
Journey said Don't stop believing. I haven't.
David Bowie gave us Major Tom. Space was never the same.
Four guys from liverpool lived in a yellow submarine.
Johnny Cash fell into a burning ring of fire.
Prince made it rain purple.
Like no joke, music saves everything.


So I'm editing right now with this one friend of mine. Fucking 29 scenes. like 4 hours worth of footage. And we have only rough cutted 9 so far. damn. fuuuuuuuk

luckily we work in shifts. and switch out every time we either get too pissed to edit or a restroom break.

I think its look a little better in terms of me getting a hold of all these musicians. A friend of mine that I met from going to shows way back when hit me up asking for the Luis package. And when I say the Luis package I'm talking about driving out and shooting a ton of little music videos. seems pretty cool. Jan Fisco used to front this band called A Lover's Plea. I'm not really sure what happened but they replaced her with some dude. I always thought a female vocalist that screams was way better than any regular old screamo guy. but much like my friend Luis from Taller Than Trees, as a person grows, so does the music. So her style now is very mellow. really nice, guitar and piano stuff. Should make for some really interesting music videos.

So there might be a chance that I could work with Tom Hanks again. Nothing solid yet but something definitely in the works. My boss George has always been my best industry contact.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I went to lunch today with my boss up in downtown Suisun. I had a avocado burger. After hanging around for a bit I noticed that I didn't have my phone on me. I thought I had left it in the classroom in the main campus but I knew I had it with me on the drive over. I seriously thought I lost it. While driving back home I noticed a small black brick stuck to my windshield. Sure enough it was my phone underneath my windshield wiper. I pulled off an a cool little action scene by rolling down my window and grabbing it while driving. Thank you kind stranger for not taking my phone. seriously. thanks.


stay busy, keep moving, sleep, sleep. stop reading. stay busy, keep moving, sleep, sleep. stop reading. stay busy, keep moving, sleep, sleep. stop reading. stay busy, keep moving, sleep, sleep. stop reading. stay busy, keep moving, sleep, sleep. stop reading. stay busy, keep moving, sleep, sleep. stop reading. stay busy, keep moving, sleep, sleep. stop reading. forget? stay busy, keep moving, sleep, sleep. stop reading. stay busy, keep moving, sleep, sleep. stop reading. stay busy, keep moving, sleep, sleep. stop reading. stay busy, keep moving, sleep, sleep. stop reading.

Lather, rinse, and repeat.

I'm in full blown panic attack. fucking anxiety for some odd reason. I am so damn tired from filming today. I went down to Berkeley to continue shooting a short thats like 60 percent shot. Then I had to from Berkeley, through Walnut Creek, to Pleasant Hill.. or pretty much Concord to pick up an actor. This guy was fucking weird.. he was a cool dude. Just fucking weird. He asked where we were going and I told him that it was to this bar in Concord up on Monument Blvd. He said " is this bar next to a 7/11? cause thats a gay bar." and in my head I'm like WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I JUST LET INTO MY CAR? haha. We get there and we're waiting for the rest of the crew to arrive and he start ordering drinks. Jack and Coke I believe. We film a car bashing scene and that was cool and of course, of all things, the filmmaker's life blood, we get fed pizza. I am so over eating pizza on sets. damn.


Its nothing but projects from now on. The way I feel right now.. I am screwed. I never like to write about really personal things as much on this blog but every once in a while I slip up. I don't care who reads this fucking thing. I'm just really tired. And When I say tired, I mean like physically tired. Its 3:58 on my clock. Fucking 3:58. holy shit. What the hell am I doing up? What am I doing?What the hell am I doing?

I feel like I just woke up from the most perfect dream. The best 9 month long dream I've ever had. I'm wide awake. And all I wanna do is hit the snooze button. And its fucking jarring.

back to bidness I guess.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Think, McFly, Think...

So ive run out of things to say... So just hear me out. I just wrote and recorded this like less than an hour from this post. no words.. I've been trying to learn how to play the piano so this is me trying.


I think I've run out of things to write about.