Friday, May 7, 2010

and all we are, are empty vessels

...searching for the things that make us who we are...

ive been working on that lyric for a while, with still no progress.

I just watched Iron man 2. eh. I need to work on my apathy, sometimes I feel like I care too much.. these are just random thoughts swirling in my head. There is no context to the things I say. Why do I write these blogs when no one reads them? Well some people do, and that surprises me. eh. I need to start editing this damn movie. I don't know what it means to me anymore... or actually it changes by day.. the term Fuck this Movie is the best way to describe it...

when this is all over, I'm going to spend one entire day sleeping. Thats the least I could do for my self.

one wording tells me you dont really give a fuck.

fuck these glasses, broke ass pieces of shit. and its my fcucking fault for breaking them.. fucking idiot. Right when I need to start editing where i fuking really nedd them, life fucks me in the ass, just hard enough to make things a little more difficult. God I hate this shit.

I like to scream in my car sometimes when I'm driving, it helps me relax. try it someitime i think it works. Sometimes I feel that my hard work is under-appreciated. that frustrates me.. I just talked to someone on online and was given the film school lecture.. and i kinda dont really know this person.. Fuck you, you dont know shit.. 4 fucking shorts (granted two of them are complete and utter bullshit) and with the exception of Adam, I did all by my fucking self. and then you wanna turn around and fucking say we need to work on some shit... what the fuck.. I get to like 4 fucking get-out-of-jail cards for that one..

and I fucking give up, and I know i say that shit all the fucking time, and then next week I'm back to myself again, but this time I mean it. I'm dumb for dragging what is pretty much nothing out for the longest time. Its like walking into a room and finding all your friends murdered, and then you spend five minutes looking at everything and touching everything, and then the cops come and arrest you, and all your prints are everywhere. And you cant explain your way out of it. Bullshit. I fucking hate you.

i dont lilke the sound of my phone beeping anymore.

But today was cool. Hung out with Camber, Seth and Cecilia, played guitar and some frisbee.... ate some pizza and walked around the farmers market in downtown fairfield with Cecilia.. went to sleep, woke up and watched Iron man2 at midnight with Jennifer, Rebecca, and Cecilia. Today was fun.

1 comment:

  1. "and all we are, are empty vessels
    ...searching for the things that make us who we are..."

    I think that's beautiful. Glad that day was fun for you.
