Saturday, February 5, 2011

hella gone

So tonight was the first night of shooting our first feature length documentary. Its called Drunkumentary. and it follows a few guys and myself trying to complete a short film, all being drunk. I'm still really buzzed as i type this. Damn. good thing I only drink during the writing and editing of this film....

And tomorrow I have another weekend of TTBC. (if youve kept up with my blog you'd know what that means!) and also I'm juggling trying to finish this real estate video. Damn. I know I said I like to be busy but man.. i feel like I'm gonna die.. or explode at least haha.

Anyways... things are looking better than usual.. with a few minor hiccups along the way.. but hey, thats a given.

So today my mom asked me to make copies of my parents marriage contract. I've never seen it before, let alone knew if it still existed. They were married back in 1974. thats 37 years. I never new that.

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