Monday, August 30, 2010

For Lexi

lets start this party with a bang
i want to hear you scream my name
this is the last chance you will get
before this world will end
enjoy the sky before it falls
enjoy the wind before it calls
the sea to open up
and swallow all of us
Lets end this party with a bang
we put our ancestors to shame
we destroyed our planeet
destroyed our existence
this disaster is the end
of a race that should have never been
destined to fail from the start
now watch us fall apart.

cause its the end of the world
lets make this count
the party that will be the death of us
so drink up and have all the sex you can
and do all the things you want

maybe, just maybe that one day i'll pray for god to save us all
when the sky goes black, and the oceans gone up in flames
ill get on my knees and say,
were we not worth it?
were we not worth saving?
I guess not

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I walked into my house today and my mother stops her conversation with my father, looks at me and says, " You know, I wonder what you do in there. Do you get anything out of it?" I didn't have a chance to reply because she went to her conversation with my father. I didn't have an answer for her except that I couldn't say, "Yes."

I'd like to thank my mother for one day I will prove her wrong. The things she says sometimes hurt harder and last longer than any other pain I've experienced in my life. My patience, understanding, and moral views have all stemmed from being able to survive what she put me through. Its true about that old saying; She wasn't the best mother, but she was mine. I wouldn't trade her for anything. She's my perfect gatekeeper.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hetero Sapien

Hey so we started the blogspot for our next film Hetero Sapien. Go to

theres nothing on it yet but expect to see some crazy stuff.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Shame short film

I was looking at my old youtube account and found this in my favorites tab. Without realizing it I took the picture above. And I guess in my unconscious mind this was the inspiration that made me pose that way. idk its a damn good short.

The emotional shift of 2010

Of the few friends that I have had the greatest of pleasure to have worked with. I've found that we go through emotional trends as a group. The first time it happened was last year where for some reason we were all in an emotional slump and we took out frustrations out on the films we made. We burnt out and ended the film binge with four guys in san francisco, at the beach, on a cliffside and screaming our lungs out at the never ending oceanic horizon. A year later and another shift is happening. Its like we emotionally trade places. When I was moping around when whatsherface cheated/left me all the other guys were getting tired of it. Now they're saying things like "Man, now i know exactly how he felt.".. And as with me, I'm finally starting to enjoy the single life. It will have been a year in two days. But just like how its written in the plotlines of countless shows and films: When you don't want it, it shows up. Thats the conflict of reality. I'm not looking for any kind of relationship and I finally have a workflow going that is too good to be true. But for some strange reason there are people out there that I meet and I'm like damn, shes really cool.. and thats the dilemma. and the time I had a gf and I had to cut that off, yeah one of our guys is feeling that way too. Oh and a baby was born! we're totally gonna put that baby in our films.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Camel Collision ft. Adam

<a href="">Camel Collision ft. Adam by The Kitchen Sink</a>


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

not to be conspicuous but I just want you to know.

I'm at a loss. I see things. You draw me in at times. Tip of the iceberg. Damn. I wanna know more but im not gonna ask. I think you're a really cool person. ..

anyways. damn its gonna be hot outside. I just found out that the film that Seth is developing is a Feature Length. wtf. Its called Hetero Sapien. this is gonna be nuts. I did the preproduction worku and logistics of a project like this. I'm estimating 10 thousand dollars. 10 THOUSAND! what the hell. We need to start fundraising. Its gonna be ridiculously hard, but I think its doable.

I think I was blind before I met you.

The video concepts for most Bright Eyes videos are pure genius. I mean all of the videos that Conor Oberst has been in are so amazing. I especially like this one and the Four Winds video. If this aint the sweetest video ever...

Monday, August 23, 2010

music videos

So I'm going to be doing some music videos by the end of this year and I've been doing a lot of research. And when I say research I mean watching an assload of music videos. This is one of my favorites and I thought I'd share it with you. Yes, you!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

damn this first week murders.

"Oh can't you tell? That I'm in love with the girl with the blue ribbons in her hair. She's got a smile so bright that she could light this very room and I can't get her off my mind. Even if I tried."

That line is from this son called Button by my friend Luis' band Taller Than Trees. Everyone should listen to them.

I finally finished editing Blood Runners. eh.

What's next for me? I got a Taller Than Trees music video that I'm trying to get started on. As Tranquil as a Catnap. I need to update my computer. Recording a song with Adam called Camel Collision. Apparently its about lesbians? I wanna find more time to relax. but I'm a total contradiction when I say I need to find more time for work.

I was just laughing cause I was looking at the picture on my blog and thought it would be really funny if those weren't my arms

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Blood Runners

Things have finally settled down, and I can finally update you on Blood Runners. This is the story of Clint and Ronnie, two friends/roommates/hematologists. They work as delivery men for the nations largest blood bank.

I remember coming up with this story almost two years ago. Before the vampire craze I might add. I wanted create really unconventional stories for our classic monsters. In this case I went with vampires. I wanted it to be a little different, I don't see that many dark comedies that deal with vampires a lot.

In this world, vampires are pretty much widely accepted in the world. They had their civil rights movement, got their equality, and have become a great influence on art and culture. But since their emergence into mainstream society, the economy has taken a substantial hit. Now that the worlds population is running 24/7 the worlds resources are being used up twice as fast. Night schools and graveyard shifts have taken on all new meanings.
This short film is actually the first scene of the feature length that I'm contemplating writing. When this is done I'm gonna shop it around to a few festivals, depending on its success I'll determine if its worth the time to sit down and crank out this feature length.
So the story goes is that Clint and Ronnie are delivery men for a blood bank that cater to the special needs of the cities nocturnal population. On a high profile delivery they accidentally destroy their batch of blood. In fear of being fired, they use their own blood as substitutes. It turns out that Clint has a rare blood disorder that makes his blood high commodity. So the two decide to go into business for themselves.
This of course is a recipe for disaster since Clint is very racist towards vampires (and possibly struggling with his own human sexuality) and Ronnie is in love with the hot vampire chick across the hall. And when the shit hits the fan their friendship is put to the test.
I really like this story. I'd have to say that my favorite scene that I havent written yet is the part where Ronnie and Clint are arguing about whats right and wrong about being a human as opposed to being a vampire. Ronnie says to Clint: "We're just like them. We're blood runners, we sleep all day and work all night. The only difference is the paychecks"

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our lives have soundtracks.. We're trying to make our own.

So it was a rare occasion last night. I was able to mic up the piano inside my house and use it to record. That piano hasn't been used in almost 10 years. We've been thinking about creating our own soundtracks for our films since we feel that the quality of our tunes have been getting better. We recorded some live tracks with our now studio built out of the kitchen. They're rough and unsructured, and really just ideas for something greater. its funny cause everytime we make a batch of songs, we treat them like new Ep's and we name them after whatever we're drinking at the moment.

I haven't updated in a few days. Besides a few stings from some very angry Yellow Jackets, I'm doin gfairly well. Work started again. I'm doing more projects. I'm networking a little better. I kinda maybe might be in like with a woman. haha. I think I'll be ok.

Friday, August 6, 2010

This god damn industry will kill us all.

I've learned a few things from my time in the trenches. and I wrote some of them down.
1. You can't rely on everyone
2. You have to rely on everyone
3. Know your position, but more importantly, know what position you are not.
4. Get coverage
5. early is on time, on time is late.
6. Know when to answer a phone call, and when not to.
7. Sound is 90% of your movie
8. You can't be socially retarded
9. Know when to get paid, and when to go pro bono
10. Take lots of pictures
11. Shitty script equals shitty movie
12. "I should have spent more time networking" - Jesse
13. Its the Director's chair, not the Director's bench
14. NEVER, EVER ask a PA for coffee. They WILL put their dicks in it.
15. Steal shit.
16. You can't be in front and behind the camera at the same time. Make a choice you douchebag.
17. Be a filmmaker not a filmfaker
18. Fuck bees.

more to come, I wrote them down in various place, I just have to find them now

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Exit Through The Checkstand

A Short I worked on yesterday. It was the first time I got to work with the Canon 5D. Its one of the top dslr cameras out on the market. I really liked this shoot because the hardware store location was so nice. Plus all the crew and the actors were really nice.

I've had a really busy week, a music video last saturday, a short wednesday. and this friday, I'm finally gonna shoot Blood Runners... If I make it to sunday.. Thats considered a miracle.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


its getting there. I have a serious rhythm going right now. I just had that music video. got a shoot tomorow. Then filming Blood Runners on friday and saturday. Heterosapien is going into full on preproduction. But the Director for the Dark Ride segment dropped out o I lost that gig. School is starting and I'm looking forward to working with Dyan Mcbride. And then I'm aiming to fill the next couple of months doing some small shorts and music videos.

All this and I feel like I'm still not doing enough. For once, I don't mind being called a workaholic.

Monday, August 2, 2010

My grandfather passed away today. People said that he was 107 but no one is entirely sure. I cant go to the Philippines for the funeral because my passport is expired. My mom is being very calm (but from the shit shes been saying she's being very irrational) about but I called my sister to tell her and she started crying on the phone.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Stranger, You Are Lovely

Just got back from Oakland. This music video shoot was very fun. I was just on Craigslist and saw a post for PA's on friday, and the shoot was today. look them up, you'll like them. They're called Superfinos Vto. I am tired.