Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The greatest love story ever

Isn't considered a love story. Its called Return of The Living Dead 3. Seriously no joke, you'd have to watch it to believe me. Theres this young army brat that moves everywhere with his dad. He meets this girl and they want to run away together. But Dad will have none of it. (btw the dad is an army general experimenting with a chemical called Trioxin that reanimates dead corpses). So they decide to leave and they get into a motorcycle crash and the girl slams into a telephone pole. The kid then takes her body to the army base and reanimates her corpse. (if thats not love, then I don't know what love is)... jump ahead about 40 minutes, 10 dead bodies and an entire subplot with a schizophrenic homeless guy and 3 stereotypical mexican gangsters and we find our protagonist back at the army base, all hell breaking loose, military lockdown enforced and the son has to choose wether to go with his dad, who all of a sudden cares about his son and shows it by vomiting one of the cheesiest monologues ever. OR choosing to stay with his girlfriend who has become some kind of sexy BDSM zombie. In the end he gets bitten and him and the girlfriend choose to climb into an incinerator together. Fade out and credits as you see them holding each other as the flames get higher and higher.. what an image.... I cried.