Thursday, March 4, 2010

Printing Scripts

I wanna see if I can finish writing this blog before my 15 page script is done printing... I win

2:10 as I write this....

So last night I watched a program on the SyFi Channel. It was about time travel. Essentially time travel is possible because time is like a folded piece of fabric and Black Holes are tunnels between the layers. It is speculated that if somehow a space ship could encapsulate itself in a pocket of negative matter, it can counteract the Black Holes devastating gravitational pull and will allow the ship to pass safely through the other side in an instant... weird.... I was thinking about all the books and movies I've seen on time travel. Back to the Future is one of my all time favorites. I ask myself what I would do if I had a time machine. I would love to go back to 9/11 and setup my camera at the pentagon and find out what would really happen. I would go back in time and watch all my favorite movies on opening night. How cool would it be to watch Star wars or Jaws in theater? Or Back to the Future? I know... it would be awesome.... I would go to the future and see how my life is. Would I change the outcome if I found out that I have a shitty life? But then... How could I have a shitty life now if I had my own time machine? Conundrums, dude... conundrums...