Wednesday, March 2, 2011

a few little updates

Its been a bit since the last post. so lets start with few things.

So this is the kickstarter page for our latest project called Drunkumentary. please give us your money. thanks.

So I worked on a zombie short called Human Root this past weekend. I dont think I've fully recovered. I'm still so tired. I feel like a zombie.

I've been swamped with work lately. between getting the kickstarter up and editing, and re-editing these real estate videos I've found that I am glued to my computer. I need to go outside. I want to skateboard again but i still feel sick and its kinda raining outside.

hmm, what else is new? I still need to clean the office, it just got destroyed again. I hate having to find a simple little item and then turing the entire room upside down looking for it.

I'm eating wheat thins.