Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gotta do this quick

Gotta write fast cause I gotta get out of here and return the dvd of The Other Guys to the redbox.

Just fell asleep in the office, even tho this couch is ridiculously uncomfortable, I log in some really good naps. I just had a dream about the simultaneously Kicks from the movie Inception. Thats the second Inception dream that I've had since seeing that movie.

I'm currently prepping for the feature I will be working on next week,When I say prepping, I mean finally reading the script.

Gotta go.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy new year

Only a handful of days till 2011. I'm totally gonna start eating better. I had Wendy's for the last time, which actually tasted like crap. I felt just gross..

So I guess I'm gonna end 2010 with one more short film. A buddy of mine from a few back hit me up with short coming up. Its gonna be in the Sonoma/Petaluma area which is funny cause I'm gonna be spending some time out there working on Tick Tock Boom Clap. Thats the feature film by the folks up at Roaring Mouse.

I now have a bunch of errands to run. My folks got a bunch of stuff from people and now I am tasked with returning said stuff. So that most likely means that I'll be going christmas shopping with store credit haha.

I just purchased the Indislider. Hopefully it will come in the mail before I reschedule the Googley Eyes shoot. Its gonna look so awesome. Here is a video of what I'll be able to accomplish with this cool new toy.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


So I've been fiddling around with my two computers and its cool cause I can access everything on all my computers through a server, which means that I can work on stuff thats stored on my old computer with my new one. Super geek mode.

Hahahaha, I found this photo while looking through ll my files.. hilarious.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Bored as shit.

Eating red vines. My family doesn't celebrate too hard. So its usually just hanging out and watching TV.I watched a bunch of episodes of The Office today, and now I'm just on the computer. Last night I went through my cache of scripts and decided to look over a few. I revised some of the other scripts that I really want to do now.

I got Mcdonalds breakfast this morning when I dropped my sister off at the airport. I got the Big Breakfast platter. I havent had Mcdonalds breakfast in years. Damn, I know its all bad but it just felt nostalgic. Like it or not, McDonalds is a part of every kids childhood. I've heard of so many stories about how some first memories are that of a loved one taking them to McDonalds. Food brings people together, and with about 31 thousand stores, I'd imagine that has brought a lot of people together. Lots of greasy, obese smiles.

Haha, actually I recall a bunch of golden arch memories. I remember the first time I graduated from the happy meal to the Big Mac. I remember the time I went to the Circus Circus in Reno with my sister and cousin and I ordered 2 super sized french fries and ate them with hot mustard sauce. And I also remember the McSalad shaker. Damn I'm a fat kid haha.


Its Christmas eve. ok. I have to drop of my sister to the airport in a couple of minutes. Its so early so I just decided not to sleep. Haha thats a joke. I never sleep.

About a month ago I was recently introduced to the music site called Pandora. I have rediscovered music.

I've been getting weird texts lately. That shit needs to stop.

After watching the special features of The Wrestler, which I received for christmas, (THANKS YOUS) I now have the urge to revise some scripts.

I got a new office chair, its leathery and comfy. I can't wait to break it in.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bidness and other things.

So as you can tell from the picture above I decided to make myself my very own bidness cards. I could have just gone online and got some free ones but I didn't like any of the designs. I decided to go with hand stamped bidness cards. They just have a really coo feel to them. Since they're hand stamped they'll all have a unique look to them. Plus I can change up the design whenever I want. I found the robots on clearance at an art store for only .50 cents. I'm geeking out right now.

So my sister got me a new office chair. Its gotten pretty serious in here. Full back leather cushion, rolling wheels, adjustable height. Its pretty sweet. I just hate that new leather smell.

So I never really got to talk more about Black Swan. I watched it a few days ago and now that I've let it settle a bit in my mind I can really offer up my thoughts on what I really think is one of the best films that have come out this year. I've noticed a little trend with the style that Director Darren Aronofsky portrays in his films. With Pi, Requium, The Fountain, The Wrestler and now Black Swan under his belt, I've noticed a certain motif, intentional or not, about all his films. The characters in his films all eventually, whether blatantly or suggested, meet their demise in their respective films. In Pi, Max trepans himself after discovering a 216 digit number that could potentially unlock the secret to the stock market. In The Fountain, the three incarnations of Hugh Jackman's character go through some pretty heavy stuff. Drinking from the tree of life and becoming part of the tree, piloting a ship directly into a dying nebula, and competley breaking down and losing all hope after his wife dies from a cancer that he was so close to finding a cure for. In the Wrestler, Randy the Ram's future is unknown as the credits roll before he takes his final bow all the while struggling to keep his bearings together from an impending heart attack. And Requiem for a Dream.... Well if you've seen that move then you already know how fucked up that film is. Double sided dildos anyone?

As for Black Swan, where do I even begin? Between Clint Mansell's beautiful score and Matthew Libatique's stunning cinematography, this film in my eyes is near perfect. And along with Darren Aronosky's directorial vision and strict attention to detail of the ballet culture, the three have become a filmmaking trifecta. Having collaborated on many of Darren's films in the past these visionaries have created a serious work of art. There are instances in the movie theater where I just sat in amazement.

Some of the things that really impressed me with the cinematography is having to work around the art direction. In the ballet studio, and as with pretty much the entire film, Libatique had to get creative with all the mirrors. There are instances where the handheld cameras would pan around the room, and the filmmaker inside is it thinking "When am I going to see the camera in the shot?" Of course it never happened due to some really flawless cgi work to remove reflections. That was the entire feel of this film; reflections. The world portrayed was already uneasy and at times outright horrific, but the cinematography style forced viewers to go in a little more deeper. Viewing the scene through that nice hand held style, through reflections, almost gave the viewer a voyeuristic perspective, close enough to see Nina's character change from the sheltered and quiet white swan to the defiant, murderous, and tempted black swan. But the camera was still far enough to paint an amazing picture of sweeping tracking shots in classic cinematography style and still hand that slight camera shake that documentaries styles suggest.

Enough of the film jargon though, this movie was dope.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Link Dump

Here's a bunch of stuuf that I've been up to lately. embeds and links provided.

The second episode of Otaku the series.

We got shut down on Googley due to a power outage so we just did a podcast. Subscribe to our feed!

Monday, December 20, 2010


I slept a lot today...
Vic got a man... haha...
Need to reschedule that shoot...
Going to make my own business cards...
I need to read all these scripts that I have...
Watched Black Swan... My mind is still blown...
I don't know how to write blog posts anymore...
Tried to shoot a short last friday.... But the power went out...
My sister got her masters degree and turned 30.... I got delicious tacos...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Fino

I had this stencil in my room for a while. I never did anything with it so I figured I just put it up in the office haha.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Is gonna be hectic. I shoot Googley Eyes tomorrow. and tonight is gonna be my night to get everything and everyone ready. As I write this I'm watching an episode How I Met Your Mother. One of the best shows out right now. I'm looking around my office and I see all my equipment laid out in front of me. This is gonna be crazy. Every shoot I try to up the ante. With my cast and crew I'm looking at an 11 people. Damn I have to feed them. I guess 5 dollar pizzas are gonna have to do. haha. There's that small part in the back of my mind where I know I'm forgetting something. I better not be forgetting something.

I finally watched Inception the other day. I thought it was a good movie. I see why people go apeshit over it but I think it was overrated. I'd really like to see how the original vision Nolan had for the story. This movie is basically like the movie Momento, if Momento was directed by Michael Bay. It pleased the commercial audience with all the action in it but I really felt that it was paced just too damn fast. I really liked that the film didn't treat its viewers like idiots by explaining every little detail to them, it gave just enough mindfuck to make you want to watch the film again.

Monday, December 13, 2010


In the now years of production experience I have had the great fortune in working with so many different cameras. I've seen them evolve drastically. I've seen the trends. I've seen them all really, well, just the ones that matter.
The first real camera I bought was the Panasonic dvx100b back in 2004. I think. This thing is the industry workhorse for standard definition. So many shows and independant films were made with this thing. I just with they kept the variable frame rate option that made its predecessor such a ground breaking camera. I chose to get this camera because of its then cheap price tag of 2500. which in retrospect, was a fucking rip off. I still have this camera but I barely use it much.

The last picture is of the dvx, you can't really notice cause the lcd screen is out but mounted to the dvx is the Letus 35mm lens adapter. At the time 35mm adapters were bridging the gap between independent low budget filmmakers and high end quality cinematography. I jumped on the 35mm adapter hype a little too late cause I got rid of that thing to purchase my Canon T2i...

When DSLR camera started coming with HD video options it changed the world of filmmaking. Nowadays there are hundreds of shitty looking short films with amazing quality. I think it did a good thing. No longer were filmmakers edging out a decision when it came to judging the look of a film. it made the highest quality of digital imagery available to kids. Everyone was now an equal playing field. I currently own a T2i. In my area I'm not the only one, but its what you put in front of the camera is what makes you a good filmmaker. (I'll get to that in a later post)

The cameras pictured are the Canon xha1, the Canon 5DmkII, the Canon 7D, the Panasonic agdvx100b and the HMC150.

I've worked with canon xl2's, GL1's hvx200's, sony hvr's and a bunch of other random stuff. I just ned to find pictures of them . All those names and numbers sound greek to most people. But for those in the know, thats pretty respectable.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Film. A love/hate relationship

I've been neglecting this blog for a bit. Just been so busy. I've been getting a bunch of new equipment in the mail lately. Finally got a quality slate.

In the beginning of January I'll be working on a film called Tick Tock Boom Clap. Theyre located in the Santa Rosa area and its gonna be a big production. Along with the various crew tasks I'll be working on Continuity and taking production stills and behind the scenes footage for the film. That'll be really fun. Its actually something I wouldn't mind doing on a production. The shoot is from Jan 4th to the 16th, then another week in february. Damn I'm gonna be tired.

Friday, December 10, 2010

game time

Being 7 days from a shoot I start to go crazy with the producer hat. Therre are so many things running through my head right now. I still need to lock down all my actors. All my locations. Props. Costumes. My crew. Logistics. Equipment. everything. And I still need to finalize my shotlists. Damn. I'm going insane.

Theres a school film festival coming up in a few days. I helped out on a short there so I'm interested to see how it turns out. Most student film festivals are so horrible. They're so bad that they're funny. And thats pretty much what I have come to expect the last few years. Damn, did I just say years?

So I wrote a short film that I'd really like to get going. I've written it in mind with both my THEA 50 instructors Dyan McBride and George Maguire. Hopefully they'll think the script is good and they'll wanna do it. That would be just insane cause they're both SAG actors.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Coffee and dvds

So tonight marks another sleepless night. I'm burning copies of my student's work onto dvds. I'm playing a shitload of guitar. Ideas are running through my mind and I can't type fast enough to jot them all down. These are the times that I thank myself for insomnia. Creativity flows, I'm at a good place in life right now. I'm motivated and I have the resources to not waste it.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


There are so many boxes in the office. All the new equipment is cluttering up the place. I'm still waiting for some sd cards. I'm finally seing the pros and cons of buying online vs. in stores. I'm constantly checking the mail and every time I hear a large truck rolling by I just have to check. Its been making me paranoid haha.

So I'm in the works of getting this Googley Eyes short going. Hopefully our shoot date is dec 17th.