Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Its always funny to me

That, i think like twice a year I always say that I'm done with doing this film thing.. and then all of a sudden, more opportunities to work with bigger and better people come around and im right back in the shit again. I'm getting ahead of myself again, where I have to finsih editing one thing, but im doing some preprod planning for five other things. and they're good too.. I'm finally gonna do Blood Runners, and Anne Frankenstein.. and there's also this thing where my boss George wants me to write something for him and another actor. Damn. I'm gonna be busy this summer, but thankfully its projects that I want to do.. Its time for me to really start to own things.. I have a newfound confidence lately. Insomnia Bites really helped me on my directing skills... I never really wanted to originally, but after I was able to coax a decent performance out of amateur actors, I wonder what would happen if I had some Sag folks on my hands..