Friday, March 11, 2011


As I'm writing this my friend Matthew is on my couch sleeping it off. I turned on the abridged series of Dragon Ball Z so he can watch it before he crashes. I keep looking behind me and I see him sleeping. But every few moments he opens his eyes, looks at the screen and chuckles. Earlier tonight Adam, Matt and DJ came over. Adam was already a little buzzing cause he was pitching Drunkumentary to people at an Italian restaurant that used to be Uncle Bong's in downtown Susuin. Adam attempted to make red curry and it came out really well. We decided to do some drunk filmprov. (improv on film, I coined the term but its probably been coined already).

Earthquake in Japan and Tsunami's are on their way. I honestly can't stop thinking that the world is going to be ending soon. There are so many signs. But thats just the paranoid conspiracy theorist in me talking.

I love my girlfriend.