Monday, October 25, 2010

It has been a while

Sleep has been on my side as of late. I can't even put into words the last two months. Things have definitely been interesting.

I look at a lot of my friends' blogs and tumblrs and facebooks and twitter. And I've found that with technology and all its advancements, pure literature is becoming more and more scarce. Its easy to sum up our feelings in a 140 character or less tweet. No one really writes anymore. And I don't think anyone really can. Our generation's shorthand and slang is killing vocabulary...

What the fuck am I babbling about? Forget about that last paragraph, I hate tryingto sound like I know what the fuck I'm talking about. Fact is. Motherfuckers is dumb nowadays. We are stupider. Kids can't even read, people my age can't even read. And I have no problem with laughing at them.