Thursday, March 18, 2010

a few places to visit if you're bored, besides here..

So late at night I spend my time on the internet just being really bored... And I know some people are screaming Porno right now but I do more than just that. I wanted to share some of these sites that I frequent, maybe they'll help you waste some time they they helped me.

Of course

and check out the youtube members!:
my buddy Tariq

my homegirl Diamond
Danny and his friends
this is where i learn all my tricks
and my sisters' homies from college

2:46am and Grey Matter

I'm having a hard time right now... Everything is swirling through my head like a newly made pitcher of kool-aid. I'm thinking of writing a script right now. I'm using a technique that I like where I come up with the title first, and then base the story of that. Right now the words "Grey Matter" is in my head. Of course grey matter is a component of the central nervous system.. I don't know where I heard the expression "All we are is grey matter" meaning that your importance is only relevant on a microscopic level... if that makes any sense...

I've been entertaining the thought of trying to do some stand up comedy. I've seen and studied dozen of comics over the years and I feel that through my film work I've been able to grasp a good idea of what is funny... of course its just a thought.

Oh yeah, Happy St. Patricks Day!