Friday, May 14, 2010

There needs to be more hours in the day....

Wow did that just happen?

anyways, i just spent the whole day sleeping. That felt really good. I havent slept like that in quite a bit. Now what am I to do now that I'm awake and my batteries are fully charged? I think I'll clean the office. (i know I always say that) I started writing the new script for the boss. Its coming along swimmingly.

Oh and I can cross off a NYR (newyearsresolution).. The other day in class I started an applaud for no reason. I just started clapping and people followed. Hhaha ahaha.

tomorrow night is the last night to see Julius Ceasar, directed by my friend Angelina Labarre. Ive done the BTS vlogs for it, but have never seent the play past the first act. I think I'l check it out.

Now that this is done

Whats new? Well, I am yet again at the end of another semester. I'd say it went fairly well. It may seem that I've been going crazy these past couple of weeks but I really haven't. The last couple of posts were just me getting out my frustrations.. I'd rather type this out than snapping at someone.

So I'm at another fork in the road. Currently I have my two main options going for me. Film school or University. going to film school will let me work on projects, music, and trying to get another job. and going the university route means summer school and 15 units in the fall semester.... trying the film school means I have to quit my job at scc. (which I wouldnt mind cause I've pretty much had all I cant take of it).

I really want to go to Berkeley Digital. They got the RED cam. I think I can hang with them. I feel pretty confident with my skills right now. But damn that place is expensive.