Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy new year

Only a handful of days till 2011. I'm totally gonna start eating better. I had Wendy's for the last time, which actually tasted like crap. I felt just gross..

So I guess I'm gonna end 2010 with one more short film. A buddy of mine from a few back hit me up with short coming up. Its gonna be in the Sonoma/Petaluma area which is funny cause I'm gonna be spending some time out there working on Tick Tock Boom Clap. Thats the feature film by the folks up at Roaring Mouse.

I now have a bunch of errands to run. My folks got a bunch of stuff from people and now I am tasked with returning said stuff. So that most likely means that I'll be going christmas shopping with store credit haha.

I just purchased the Indislider. Hopefully it will come in the mail before I reschedule the Googley Eyes shoot. Its gonna look so awesome. Here is a video of what I'll be able to accomplish with this cool new toy.