Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our lives have soundtracks.. We're trying to make our own.

So it was a rare occasion last night. I was able to mic up the piano inside my house and use it to record. That piano hasn't been used in almost 10 years. We've been thinking about creating our own soundtracks for our films since we feel that the quality of our tunes have been getting better. We recorded some live tracks with our now studio built out of the kitchen. They're rough and unsructured, and really just ideas for something greater. its funny cause everytime we make a batch of songs, we treat them like new Ep's and we name them after whatever we're drinking at the moment.

I haven't updated in a few days. Besides a few stings from some very angry Yellow Jackets, I'm doin gfairly well. Work started again. I'm doing more projects. I'm networking a little better. I kinda maybe might be in like with a woman. haha. I think I'll be ok.