Thursday, May 27, 2010

Post Op

I looked outside today at the tree in front of my house, it was beautiful. That tree has been there my entire life and but today I saw it for the first time without my glasses. I watched the branches sway from the wind. I could actually see the leaves instead of patches of blurry green clouds. Fucking amazing...

So I just underwent cataract surgery for my right eye and I just took the eyepatch off.. haha I look hilarious with it on. My sedative juts wore off and I am feeling so fucked up. I wish I was Linda Blair from the Excorcist right now. I feel like I'm getting skull fucked by a demon's fiery cock. The procedure basically me staring at three lights and it felt like the Dr. was either filling my eyesocket with sand and salt or punching me over and over in the face...

I feel fucking fantastic right now... haha. Its kinda cool cause I cans see close with my left eye and now far with my right eye. My depth of field is all fucked up now, which is kinda cool cause everything is in focus.