Sunday, February 14, 2010

Back to our scheduled broadcasting....

Enough with the trip down memory lame (yes is spelled that correctly, and yes its a play on words). Today I was at Barnes and Noble in fairfield and I was sitting at the cafe drinking some coffee. And then it hit me... I was doing the most stereotypical filmmaker thing ever... I was at a coffee shop working on a script. I laughed at myself cause I always said that it was lame to do that. I think its funny cause I actually saw someone with a laptop writing a script one time. They're hoping that someone would walk by and ask them about it. Well I don't have a laptop anyway. I printed my pages out and wrote notes all over it. I like that old school paper feel to it. before technology. Shit, I should have brought my vintage typewriter with me. A bunch of people sat next to me and proceeded to play the yu-gi-oh cardgame. I'll admit I used to play that game. Until I grew up of course. But I swear, some of them looked older than me. I also saw some kids that could have been 10 or 12 ordering coffee. This one little girl recited her order like a poetry slam acceptance speech. Did you ever hear that coffee stunts your growth? (which is of course bullshit) but damn...

oh yeah... so I'm there workin.. and I told myself, I'm going to leave this bookstore on one of these three conditions....
A) I run out of coffee
B)I finish working on this script
C) my ipod dies

.... My ipod decided to give up on me... I drank 3 venti white chocolate mochas made with soy.. and my script is still undone... fuckin coffee... a narcoleptic insomniac with a caffeine addiction.... thats just fucked up... thanks a lot, life.

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