Friday, February 12, 2010

My Birthday week 09

OCT 4-10


I don't really remember


i woke up and went to work. same old shit.


i went to school that day a little early, i wanted to pop in just before the class before mine. George saw me and announced to his class that it was my birthday. I pretended to be embarrassed but i secretly wanted people to know.

Angelica got me a balloon ans a hello kitty tiara. How nice.

After that Seth and I spent the rest of the day talking to this girl named Sara. Her birthday was the day before mine. We talked about party stories, drunken tales from years past. I'll have to admit it was a one sided conversation. I never got shitfaced before in my life. (if only i knew)

That night I went to Uncle Bongs Pizzeria to go see the Rats in the Alley improv show. When word got out it was my birthday people started buying me beers, and then came shots. Before i knew it i was a goner. Wasted. I remember hitting on every girl there.

The rest of the night consisted of me pissing and moaning about SHEWHOSHALLNOTBENAMED and what she did to me. Everyone was giving me advice about it. I don't remember if the advice was any good.


Wednesday morning was hell for me. I crawled into bed the night before around 2 in the morning and layed there until I had to get up and be at school at 10am. I had to shoot the midterms for the class that i worked for. 30 psa's. They were only one-two minutes in length per student but i knew after the fifth one that i wouldn't have the energy to finish the class... I had Seth, Alonzo and Jamiel finish the psa's while i stood in the back trying not to vomit in the trash can.

After that we went to film a short film called 10 ways to save the environment. easy as pie.

After that we shot a little short horror film. The actress sucked really bad but hey, its a horror right? Bad acting is implied.


I went to school same as usual. I took it easy that day but that night Adam called me up wanting to do a short. We got together and created a piece that is now known to the world as The Grate Confrontation. We shot this at fucking midnight. And then cut it at around 3 in the morning. I'm so lucky I dont sleep.


I went bowling with some friends that I dont really hang out with. I haven't bowled in like 10 years. I was never good at it then either.


(i'd like to pretend that it was like last sunday... sadly there are too many witnesses, pictures, videos, texts, and drunk dials for that day to ever be forgotten)

I'm not even going to beat around the bush... I got drunk at a family party. It was a shared party for my 23rd birthdayday and for a 9 year old girl. I got a bottle of whiskey as a present and me and my cousin Crystal started drinking it. I was a fuckin gonner cause i ended up drinking 3/4s of the bottle. i stumbled, I vomited, fell over in the front yard and vomited in the bathroom while i was trying to pee. And then repeat the process, yes all that happened to me twice. That was bad. The entire time i was like "guys, dont tell my mom that im drinking" even though she was standing right next to me. I saw my sister there, I havent spoken to her in a couple of months, but when I saw here I spilled my guts about the SHEWHOSHALLNOTBENAMED incident. I hit on my own cousin..... I'm not even gonna elaborate on that. My parents drove me home and put me in bed. I then woke up in the middle of the night and vomited again.


I woke up, drank some water. Went to school, did my job... Found out what happened last night... Apologized to my cousin. And went on with life.

I was never a huge drinker in the first place, but I just felt the need to. I remember buying alcohol for Seth when he was down in the dumps. It seemed to help him well. I thought I should give it a try. I needed something, if only temporary, to take my mind away from my weary heart. You might think it wasn't the right way to handle things. It most likely wasn't. I decided that day that I needed to get better. I wasn't gonna let this girl win by killing me slowly.

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